CorkFashionArt è la prima start-up al mondo tutta Italiana, con la mission di trasformare artigianalmente in 11 distinte fasi, tappi di sughero di alta qualità, provenienti da bottiglie di pregiato spumante italiano, in esclusive Opera d’Arte sostenibili: donando un valore artistico unico, con un attento riguardo etico, rispettoso dell’Ambiente ed ecosostenibile dal significativo valore economico nel tempo. Siamo andati leggermente oltre, poiché CorkFashionArt coniuga tre espressioni di utilizzo quale: la Moda, l’Arte e il Design, unendole ad un valore intrinseco di puro artigianato che caratterizza l’aspetto collezionistico. Ogni Opera d’Arte è disegnata completamente a mano, creando geometrie, forme ed armonie dal fascino uniche ed intramontabili nel tempo, coniugando Moda, Arte e Design. La trasformazione è realizzata con un’attenta consapevolezza che oltre ad ottenere un’Opera d’Arte, si strappa da un destino di insensato inutilizzo, un prodotto naturale dalle proprietà naturali veramente uniche: il sughero. Impensabile prima di CorkFashionArt: che un tappo di sughero, il principale elemento di scarto di una bottiglia, potesse salvare decine di migliaia di api. Ora è possibile, grazie a te!
CorkFashionArt is the first all-Italian start-up in the world, with the Vision of transforming high quality corks from bottles of fine Italian sparkling wine into exclusive Artworks in 11 (eleven) distinct phases: giving a unique artistic value, with a careful ethical respect, respectful of the environment and eco-sustainable with significant economic value over time. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the Artwork, net of costs and charges, are used to safeguard and protect the Bees.
We went a little further, since CorkFashionArt combines three expressions of use such as: Fashion, Art and Design, combining them with an intrinsic value of pure craftsmanship that characterizes the collector’s aspect.
Each Artwork is designed completely by hand, creating geometries, shapes and harmonies with a unique and timeless charm over time, combining Fashion, Art and Design. The transformation is carried out with a careful awareness that in addition to obtaining a Artwork, a natural product with truly unique natural properties is torn away from a fate of senseless inactivity: cork.
CorkFashionArt is the first all-Italian start-up in the world, with the mission of transforming high quality corks from bottles of fine Italian sparkling wine into exclusive and sustainable Artworks in 11 distinct phases: giving a unique artistic value, with a careful ethical respect, respectful of the environment and eco-sustainable with significant economic value over time. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the Artworks are donated to the protection of bees. We went a little further, since CorkFashionArt combines three expressions of use such as: Fashion, Art and Design, combining them with an intrinsic value of pure craftsmanship that characterizes the collector’s aspect. Each artwork is designed completely by hand, creating geometries, shapes and harmonies with a unique and timeless charm over time, combining Fashion, Art and Design. The transformation is carried out with a careful awareness that in addition to obtaining a artwork, a natural product with truly unique natural properties is torn away from a fate of senseless inactivity: cork.